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This is my adventure.

I’m currently sitting in the Asheville airport, I’m about an hour away from boarding my flight to Charlotte, NC. From there I have a direct flight to Gatwick, London. The number one question I’ve had over the past few weeks is, “are you excited?” My answer has been, “yes, very much so.” But I don’t think that does justice to my emotions. I would sit here and try to explain how I feel, but honestly, I don’t want to take the time to do that. So just picture it this way… Think about that moment in life when you know you’re arrived. You know that feeling you get when it’s just you and the world? Yeah. I’m about to embark upon another country, bound with both excitement and challenges.

As per my last post, you know that I’ve been reading Wild at Heart (finished with it and currently in Captivating). He talks a lot about how the masculine identity requires adventure. Men were designed with an innate sense to challenge and conquer. Eldridge remarks that we must go into the wild to find our heart. We must be alone with ourself and God in order to find out who we are, and I would agree. I think last summer was a major adventure for me. Spending the summer in the Blue Ridge Mountains was amazing, and now  I have the opportunity to do it again. But first, London. This is a new type of adventure; one that takes me out of every single comfort zone that I have and dumps me in the middle of a foreign country, for a month. Wait… what?

Yeah, I know. Granted, I’m being sent to a YMCA where there are people there to take care of me. I know I’m not going to some untamed land where there is risk of being cannibalized by natives, thank God. Regardless, I’m ecstatic about both the spiritual and emotional growth that will come from it. God has put me in a place where I can reap the most of what I will experience over the next four weeks, and I am pumped.  My prayer has been that God will push me (scary, right?) to become that man that I am called to be and to use this experience to push me there. So I want to thank those of you who have been and will continue to pray for me, I really appreciate it. I’m planning on updating the blog at least twice a week. Please feel free to follow me as I make my way through England.

My name is Clark Devore and this is my adventure.

2 responses

  1. gelie89

    Ah how exciting! I will be following you along on your journey Clack and I’m excited!! You are a blogger!!! yayy!! 🙂

    – Gregorie 🙂

    May 14, 2011 at 8:00 pm

  2. Linda Barr

    Hi Clark, Just read your blog about you being out of your comfort zone and “dumped” in the middle of a foreign country.” I know that feeling only too well. I was also taken from my comfort zone and dumped in London for 4 months when I attended the University of London. Didn’t know a soul or how to get from place to place on the “tube” However, when my 4 months were up, I did not want to come home. God and I had a wonderful time there. Exploring London is amazing – every day learning and experiencing something new, I attended the American Church of London ( I think that was the name) while there but also experienced some more English churches.
    Dean and Ginny will be following you on your blog and we will be praying for you. One bit of advice,…………..MIND THE GAP! 🙂

    May 16, 2011 at 1:36 pm

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